Best Pets Has The Lowest Prices On Preventatives!
Did You Know?
ALL prices for our recommended Flea, Tick & Heartworm* products are lower (up to $10 less) than CHEWY, WALMART, PETMEDS & all others!
Why Buy From Best Pets?
- These are our normal prices - you don't have to wait for a sale
- We provide Automatic Instant Rebates** with no paperwork needed
- We will remind you of all other rebates*** to save more, so you won't miss out
- We have lower costs than Chewy, Walmart, PetMeds, etc. so we can sell for less
- Same-day pickup or shipped free and first-class to your home
- Buy local, stay local!
* Does not include Tri-Heart
** For Bravecto & Sentinel Spectrum products
***For TRIO, Simparica & Revolution Plus products